Industrial License & Benefits

Industrial license

Industrial License

As per the provisions under the Factory Act, 1948 it is mandatory for all the factory owners to register their premises with the local governing authority before the start of business. The Chief Inspector of Labour Commissioner Organisation will grant the factory license after registration of factory. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining Uttar Pradesh factory registration in detail.

The Factories Act, 1948

According to the Factories Act, the procedure for registration and license is given under section 6 are as follows:

  • Description of factories or business plans of any class has to be submitted to the chief inspector or the state government.
  • Replacement or expanding of any plant or machinery in specified limits, will not be charged additionally for extension of the factory if involved with safe working space and environmental conditions.

Eligibility Criteria   

The below-mentioned factories are required to get factory license under the following conditions.

  • The factory or establishment is holding ten or more workers employed with the use of power for manufacturing activities.
  • The factory or establishment is holding twenty or more workers employed without the use of power for manufacturing activities.

Documents Required for Site Plan Approval

The required documents are to be provided for the approval of your site plan.

  • Form-1 (Particular of Room in The Factory)
  • Questionnaire To Form-1
  • Certificate of Stability
  • NOC of Fire
  • NOC of UPPCB
  • Process Flow Diagram
  • NOC From Local Body/Local Authority
  • NOC From Explosive Department
  • NOC From Others
  • Building Drawing Copy
  • NOC From Electrical Safety
  • Proof of Ownership of factory building premises
  • Notification of Site
  • Memorandum Article
  • List of Directors
  • Resolution for the declaration of Occupier
  • Safety Report
  • On-Site Emergency Plan
  • Health and Safety Policy

Documents Required for Registration

The required documents are to be submitted along with the application form of factory registration.

  • Photograph of Establishment
  • Identity Proof
  • DIN or PAN Card
  • Treasury Challan/Bank Name.

Documents Required for Renewal

The required documents are to be furnished along with the renewal application form.

  • Form-4
  • Form-4B
  • Treasury or online Challan

Inspection Process

The step by step process is involved in the inspection of the site are specified below:

Identification of Establishments

The establishments which are to be inspected will be identified using the random computerised risk assessment

Inspection by Joint Team

  • The inspection will be carried out by a joint team of inspectors.
  • The inspecting team will consist of a minimum of two inspectors and one of the respective authority, Assistant Labour Commissioner, Labour Enforcement Officer, Assistant Director Factory as per their availability.

Inspection Report

  • The report of inspection will be uploaded/submitted by the inspecting team on the departmental portal with a unique number.
  • The unique number will be managed by the units/establishments/factories to view and download the report of inspection within 48 hours from their web portal account.

Non-Compliance Notice

  • The department may grant a notice to units / establishments / factories to rectify defects / deviations / non-compliance observed as part of inspection.
  • The establishment to do the necessary/appropriate compliance within 15 days and inform the Labour Department about the same after uploading the compliance report.

Final Action

Acceptance of compliance report or initiation of proceedings.

License Approval

If an application is made for the approval of the site for construction or extension of the factory and required plans and specifications, have been submitted by registered post or through the portal to the State Government or the Chief Inspector and if no reply is received within one month from the date of application will be automatically approved. If not approved with thirty days from the date of application is rejected by the system automatically and also the email or SMS is sent to the registered applicant in such cases the applicant is supposed to resubmit the application form by rectifying the mistakes or apply in person.

Renewal of License

The validity of the factory license is for one year, so the expired license has to renewed by applying for renewal in the same registration process as mentioned above.


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