Our US Tax services cover the following areas:-

US Inbound Services

If you are looking to set up a business in the US, we can guide you in the selection of the right type of business (C-Corp, LLC, etc) as well help you in incorporating the company and obtaining all the necessary tax and regulatory registrations. As a part of our US Inbound services, we offer the following assistance:

  • Incorporation Services
  • EIN/SSN/ITIN assistance
  • State Tax Registrations
  • Sales and Use Tax Registrations
  • Secretary of State Registrations for doing business.

US Transaction Tax Services

Are you considering acquiring a US target? In this case, it is very essential to conduct a detailed tax due diligence to ensure that there are no surprises later on. It is also very critical to structure the acquisition in the most tax efficient manner to ensure that you obtain all the relevant tax advantages. In this area, we offer the following services:

  • US Tax Due Diligence
  • US Tax Structuring Advisory

US Corporate Tax

Our dedicated team of corporate tax specialists can help you comply with all your regular corporate tax compliance requirements at the Federal and State levels. Our services in this area are detailed below:

  • Corporate Tax Returns
    • Federal Corporate Tax Returns
    • State Corporate Tax Returns
  • Corporate Tax & Regulatory Compliance
    • Estimated Taxes
    • Tax Return Extensions
    • State Annual Reports
    • State Franchise Tax Returns
  • Corporate Tax Advisory
    • State Tax Nexus
    • Permanent Establishment issues
    • Withholding Taxes

Individual Tax Returns

Our individual tax return services offer personalised attention and customised solutions for each client. We can help you with the following compliances:

  • Federal Form 1040 and Form 1040 NR
  • Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
  • Federal Partnership Tax Returns (Form 1065)
  • State Partnership Tax Returns

Private Equity/Venture Capital Fund Services

  • Our specialist private equity/venture capital Fund group can help you comply with all the necessary returns and reporting obligations with respect to your US investors. We offer the following services:
  • Tax Structuring advisory for Funds
  • Preparation of Schedule K-1′s
  • Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) testing & reporting assistance
  • Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) testing & reporting assistance
  • Dodd-Frank registration assistance.

FATCA- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

Our team can help comply with FATCA requirements. The purpose of the Act is to ensure that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can identify and collect the appropriate tax from US persons holding financial assets outside the US. FATCA legislation applies to any company or entity with US clients or asset(s) which provide US source income. The provisions will impose a 30% withholding tax on certain US source payments made to ‘foreign financial institutions’ (FFIs) and ‘non-financial foreign entities’ (NFFEs) that fail to identify certain US investors, even if such US persons directly or indirectly hold only non- US assets. We offer the following services:    

  • Obtain Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN).
  • Reporting any accounts held by US person with the respective countries revenue authority
  • Filing form 8966 with IRS

Voluntary Disclosure Programs Assistance

The IRS modified filing procedure for US person living outside of United States to come into compliance with their US tax obligations.

  • Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures
  • Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDI/OVDP) Amnesty assistance